Feto Click

 A salesman just open one email with subject sponsor, attached some files containing about the program that just less than a month to be held, after learning all the files he check on the search engine how far this program about, according to the title itself seems not appear on first page, scrolling till third page then finally found the site of the program, it’s well showed in English with purpose for international audiences, the things just bit on question since no advertisement on this program, perhaps for limited audience but then what the purpose of sponsor if limited by the space of audience, usually when program on sponsorship need a metric to calculate how far the investment could return, the things seems not really showed on proposal, which probably just invitations. Usually like that on every symposium or workshop, a paper of invitations just showed the program, but not in inviting sponsorship, should be shared some data to calculate how much returns of the investment, otherwise blank data like that they’ll not interested. Back to that salesman who was going to report to his manager, he just check on the sender, by name he found a beautiful chick incharge of the sponsor program, his eyes star to blue, his mind flying to the sky far to Venus before realizing that if his boss knows the true data, the things seems outreaches, suddenly his rocket fall to the deep of the ocean, his excitement disappeared as like that before his boss very detail on calculating any invitations for investment.

Life seems not fair to this salesman, if that chick provide fully metric data of investment then this salesman would be very happy to meet with this beautiful angel, perhaps not his lucky day, the things this beautiful chick should know, but usually like that in every program held by institution which just following whatever the senior did before, even the incharge of the program just calculate only expense based on the cost of the program, it’s all cover by fee in attending the program, so what purpose of the sponsor, sometimes just for ceremonial not in kind of business mind that every investment has returned on number. Our branch in managing finance look very simple, as long as not lost than nothing to be concerned, so if no one coming for sponsorship that would be no problem, that’s not in our consideration since it on personal of the senior and their circle, usually based on previous program and this will go like this again and again. Perhaps like that how different managing a healthcare, because no exact metric to calculate how investment will be valued, they just follow the simple procedures like a small clinic, there’s a fee on see then the things for instruments or medicines already calculated each of them and no metric how value this on every result of execution.

♡ to be more latte lol, our Alisya was wondering what’s mom doing there, is she going to open cafe? Like this better ask your mom direct lol, you know in family we should know each other on what the point for, then realize that something sometimes out of thinking, the purpose was just see and care our mom. Look like interpreting something beyond the point, this is the thing in short secret messages, something simple can be complicated, anyhow really thanks for the effort, appreciate of the kindness, you deserve a happy life.

Overly brownish 

Finally the blue has a challenge lol, though still confused with the white, supposedly white isn’t it? still the blue on dominating the things, perhaps need time to feel the changing, like the previous writing it should show our purpose in family, in parenting our kids we should bright their mind with perfectly all color, someday we’ll be at a point when we reach in age with limited movement or accessibility, then we need in which stand they’ll be, something really fair as whatever we gave we’ll get whatever in it, including our self interest. Perhaps we should rethink on every move wisely, because we won’t be broken for whatever we did, something like creating spring before fall, make it easy before the real trouble come. This’s the purpose of those family who send their kids to military academy, it preparation to handle the challenge, it will humanize on every trouble.

Making that horse like human, following the order is the part of the humanity, we improve our life by learning to make our circumstances easy to handle, perhaps like that what the purpose of any education, it should serve for greater purpose, in everything. Probably we’ll never think this far, as we usually learns from our previous, this is the easy way to grab the knowledge, pass on the skills with same logic, it proof okay but still has challenges in changing of the human and circumstances. Our mind or knowledge should be changing accordingly, as long as not breaking the ethic then what’s the deal.

Your mind seems interested with any challenge, though our conversation is about managing any challenge ahead, we make everything manageable in our family so that living peacefully, there’s so many thing that would come as taking our valuable time to solved, either because of our first mistake or the slightly weak in finishing the problem. Everything will be settled before it come occupied our time or our life, prepare the things before it threatens our peaceful life, that’s why sometimes I insert some trial, I am really sorry for anything discomfort, it turn out you’re very kind. You know we’ll make it for every challenge easier, we’ll learn it one by one, interprete and solve nicely.

Liability life

Indeed in everything there’s investment, even in caring our mother, it like teaching our kids how to treat us someday, that’s why this point always on every writing, it’s all about our mother, we’re only has one parent that we should really care, there’s so many challenges that we should solved before touching our dearest mother, probably we don’t need someone out of family caring our mothers. Our hand the one managing the thing, that’s why if we could prepare the things, everything would be settled nicely, when I ask about the things what’s you like mean expecting what would be challenge or how we respond in our kids. The same things that we should think the consequences on our move, like when we teach any outside activity, we should prepare someday that those thing would interest them more than being with their parents, this is the things the reason behind in any challenge.

Feel much better if we ever knows all the troubles ahead, then prepare the action before it take our valuable time, seems time has teach us much about us, as the way to react calmly doesn’t sound of any discomfort lol. Actually feel free to express what in your mind, sometimes it better say it than keeping in mind, usually we can see those lady doing art like painting, this to express what would be the seeing in something. Perhaps need time to absorb what would be the feeling either discomfort or unanswered questions, it’s all within this art thing, though we’ll used to whatever now with a note for any possibility bias in our expressions.

Especially when there’s value we’re going to find compromise, we knows we had different cultures, come from different family values, but when it’s mentioned and no objection that mean settle isn’t it? lol, perhaps on this matter need attention more. Anyhow really thanks again for the kindness, those eyes really happy and alive lol, just no heart to tease you, if there’s some pause on any point there’s things to settle inside, whether it’s compromise or intentionally keep aside, sometimes need deep thoughts to see the consequences in future. Again thanks for the big heart, you deserve a happy life.

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